Artificial intelligence is one of the buzziest terms in the tech industry right now and, while surely a lot of that buzz is just pure hype, one place where AI is actually scarily good is its ability to generate audio doppelgangers of celebrities and politicians. It’s sort of upsetting how good this tech is getting. Seemingly overnight, a slew of AI voice generators have emerged, all of which allow users the ability to quite easily get their favorite celebrity or fictional character to say whatever the heck it is they want them to say. Scroll through the following to feast your ears on some of the worthiest examples.
Want to know more about AI, chatbots, and the future of machine learning? Check out our full coverage of artificial intelligence, or browse our guides to The Best Free AI Art Generators and Everything We Know About OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
Patrick Bateman Discusses His Love of 4Chan
Patrick Bateman—the horrifying protagonist of the Brett Easton Ellis novel American Psycho—doesn’t need an extra reason to be scary. The character, which was played with over-the-top gusto by Christian Bale in a 2000 film adaptation, is frightening enough as it is. And yet, through the wonders of AI, we can now terrifyingly make Patrick say anything—including a hilarious screed on the pleasures of being an internet troll.